Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kids Loft Beds

The other day, my Mom came up with an idea for kids loft beds for my brother and me.  We could have separate rooms, but we still share a room.  Mom thinks it will make us closer. Dad doesn't agree, but so far, Mom is winning.

Mom actually went to college to be an architect.  I don't know why she isn't one, but I know she did it because she has great 'design' ideas.  At least that's what I heard her tell Dad.  And so the other day, she told us all about an idea she had for kids loft beds.  She wanted her and Dad to build it, but after a long conversation about work and time, and school, she said we could look on Amazon first to see if they had anything like what she had in mind.

They didn't have exactly what Mom was looking for though.  Since my brother and I fight over the top bunk, she wanted a 'dual loft bunk,' that has two bunks, separated by something (she was thinking even just a 'table top' surface that my brother and I could play games on) on top, with an 'open floor,' underneath.

Since we didn't find exactly that, she decided to look for something we could buy two of and then just 'add' the table top separator.  Here's what we found...

Mom said that the bedding (blankets and sheets and pillows) is too 'girly' and we'll look for something that goes with the rest of our room decor, but she liked this kids loft bed model best for a few reasons.

1.) The price.  It is the least expensive one on Amazon and since we'll need two identical beds for my brother and me, that is really important.

2.) It's white.  It's a neutral color and she even said we could decorate the wood to go with our room.  We asked her how and she said she had some ideas, but wanted to think about how to do it so that we could change if often.

3.) The extra bed underneath.  So that we can easily accomodate sleep over friends.

Mom also like the 'steps' for climbing up to the top bunk.  She says ladders are too dangerous.

The description Amazon had for this piece was pretty bare, so there's a lot Mom isn't sure of, like if those stairs can have their tops lifted to reveal storage drawers (if not, they should) or if that nightstand next to the bottom bed in the picture comes with the set.  But she said that for the price, neither are really that important.

You can get your very own kids loft bed  from Amazon.  Just click the "Kids Loft Bed" link.

1 comment:

  1. Loft beds are a great solution if you have a small bedroom or need more storage space. And who doesn't need more space in a kids room? They're fun and functional!
