Sunday, November 18, 2012

All-New Furby from Hasbro

The All-New Furby -  Another Awesome Toy from Hasbro

 Mom says Furbies are now 14 years old.  That's more than twice as old as me right now.  Furbies caused a major sensation when they were first released in 1998. Then the Furby went away for a while, but now it is back and ready to take the world by storm again. There are several similarities to the classic Furby, but there are many improvements as well.

The Old Furby Never Shut Up

Let's get one thing out of the way immediately: the old Furby did not have an off switch, and this had a tendency to drive some people crazy. The new Furby, as cute and interactive as it is, also does not have an off switch, but it is quieter than the original version, and it automatically goes to sleep if you leave it alone. (Just so you know, each Furby is powered by 4 AA batteries.)

It will learn your language... My  mom is hoping it will make my little brother talk better

When you first get your Furby it will talk in a language of its own (a translation dictionary is available as an app or online), but will start to learn more and more English words as you talk to it. This is all part of the Furby's development, and plays a large role in making it a unique toy.

It's like having a baby, or a pet...

Speaking of development, how your Furby "grows" is based on how you play with it. Will you have a happy Furby, or a crabby one? The Furby has several sensors that respond to voice, music, touch, and movement; and what those sensors detect will determine how your Furby responds. However, your Furby won't always respond the same way, and that keeps the novelty level high.

Tickling, feeding, talking, singing, shaking, playing music, pulling its tail, or petting it will all have an effect on your Furby. Your Furby is programmed to have its own character, so you will have a great time getting to know your Furby as it responds to you in various ways.

Current color options for the Furby are black, white, yellow, purple, orange, and teal. Choose your favorite, and enjoy your Furby's bright, colorful fur.

I like the White Furby, the teal furby, and the purple furby the best.... they are just too cut

They do lots of stuff...

The all-new Furby from Hasbro also has a wider range of movements than its earlier counterparts. Where the old Furbies could only rock back and forth, the new Furbies are able to squat, stretch, and wiggle. Furbies have an additional feature that adds to the fun--they interact with one another. When one Furby gets within range of another Furby, it will start to chatter up a storm because it recognizes its friend.

The most expressive part of any creature is its eyes, and the new Furby is no exception. LCD screens are used for the eyes and this is a welcome addition to the world of Furbies. The eyes, sounds, and movements of your Furby will let you know just how it's feeling at any given moment.

The first year Furby's came out, they were in 'demand' and just about impossible to get for Christmas.... this new version will probably have the same effect.

This is one toy that is sure to start flying off the shelves, so you may want to get it as soon as possible. If you would rather avoid the hassle and crowds of shopping at a store, then getting your Furby online is a great option. Either way, Furbies are sure to be loved by anybody lucky enough to have one, and that includes young and old alike.

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